Preparations are still underway to launch Sugar Floss Sweets in August. Hours of research, planning, developing, ordering, test-tasting, creating, baking, teaching, practicing, photographing, web building, writing, rewriting, editing, shopping, crafting and designing are about to come together in what I hope and pray will be an amazing adventure for our sweet family. The kids are excited to be a part of this, it's pretty exciting. To be the very first of something in our area is pretty great. I know there will be followers, eventually, and I will see that as flattery. We will continue to strive to up our game and bring the very best sugar floss cotton candy to our community. With a family of three kiddos who have loved this from the start, we are and will be continuously challenged to bring our best game to our business. They are the reason for Sugar Floss Sweets and along with my husband, are my biggest supporters and fans.
Family first, always.......This July 4th celebration of America's Independence is pretty special. We've packed up our machine and all the delicious accoutrement necessary to shower our extended family with everything SUGAR FLOSS COTTON CANDY! They will all learn of our business today and we couldn't be more excited than to include them in the launch of Sugar Floss Sweets. I'm hoping to have all the cousins pictured somewhere on the website. We have tons of flavors to try and I know there will be some favorites. Most importantly, however, is the time we will spend with our family and the memories we will make. We are 15+ years strong gathering and fellowshipping and we look forward to many more years together. Happy Independence Day and may your family and friends be abundantly blessed.
Sweet Blessings